NES: (NES: Normalized Enrichment Score for TF-target pair)

  • For 'Conditions',you can choose the datasets profiled with single-cell or bulk sequencing technologies.
  • For 'Symbol/Entrez ID/Ensembl', you can use keyword such as 'SOX15' or '6665' or 'ENSG00000129194'.
  • For 'TF', you can input your interested transcription factor (e.g. 'SOX15' ).
  • For 'Target gene', you can search your interested gene (such as 'FSCN1' ).
  • For 'NES',you can set the range from 3 to 10. Score of 3.0 corresponds to a False Discovery Rate (FDR) between 3% and 9%.

Starting a new search ...

1. Fang et al. GRNdb: decoding the gene regulatory networks in diverse human and mouse conditions, Nucleic Acids Research, 2020 (DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa995)
2. Li et al. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals dynamic alternative splicing and gene regulatory networks among pancreatic islets, Science China Life Sciences, 2020 (DOI: 10.1007/s11427-020-1711-x)